Sliders - Perfect for Home Workouts

Buying home gym equipment such as dumbbells and slam balls is tough as all the online outlets are still sold out. But today I have the solution if you are looking to vary your home workouts

I first started using furniture sliders with clients over 15 years ago as they provided a fun solution to...

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Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Do you often suffer with lower back discomfort when you complete longer tasks such as gardening, driving for long distances or even sat in your soft sofa while watching TV?

The key to eliminating your pain is to ensure the hips and your upper back have regained their mobility. If these two joints...

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No more running for over 40's

I've  titled this "no more running" to entice you to either say to yourself, "oh no what is he saying, he doesn't know what he's talking about" or "yes, I knew all along I wasn't built for running".

If you love your running, then great. You are getting outside (hopefully in nature to add...

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The Quick Home Workout Warm-Up for busy over 40s

I put together the 4 zone approach to planning a workout to ensure that no elements of fitness are overlooked.

Even when time is not on your side, I recommend that you always complete at least a couple minutes of warm-up activity. The first area I address with every new client is to determind...

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Improve your posture

Just to switch things up a little, today I am sharing two of my most effective methods to reset your posture.

These 2 stretches are so simple, you will be amazed with the improvements to your posture if you consistently work these into your weekly home fitness plan. These are essential if you...

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This is a must for your home workouts

As we age we lose the ability to generate power with our body. You have got to incorporate this fitness essential into your home workout routine if you are to improve your movement for later life. Grab yourself a medicine ball or even a football for this workout.



The key points to...

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Over 40's Strength Training at Home with Minimal Equipment

If you do not have access to gym equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells or even a ball, it doesn't mean that you can't improve your strength while working out at home.

Today, I've got a circuit that will push the functional strength of your lower body along with really helping to...

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Improving Your Strength at Home with No Gym

Strength training is a key part of our health and fitness if we want to maintain our movement in later life. With there being no access to gyms at the moment we have to be a little creative in how we build strength within our workouts at home.

A simple but highly effective tweak you can make to...

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Lockdown Workout for Sporty Kids & Parents!

If your kids are anything like my daughter, they will be missing their sports fix during this lockdown. The big problem though is how they should train during this time, especially with the trap of social media where the illusion exsists that to be in shape for their sport means having the same...

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Best piece of kit for home workouts

To keep your options open to create varied home workouts, there are a few bits of kit that are so versatile, the possibilities are endless. The fitness industry is big business with all sorts of new equipment to tempt you. But the dumbbell is and always has been the king of them all. Many of you...

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